ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. We aim to offer business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management.
University of London
Higher Education Commission (M.COM)
Exemption for Professional Qualifications
Fee Structure
Important Dates
Oxford Brookes University (Bsc)
Computer Based Examinations
he Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) was established in 1961 to regulate the profession of accountancy in the Country. It is a statutory autonomous body established under the Chartered Accountants Ordinance 1961. ICAP is a member of:
Presentation and Personal Effectiveness
What is CA?
Fee Structure
The Qualification Process
Package of Standalone Qualifications
Transition to the Scheme 2021
SBM is pleased to announce the launch of the new ACCA Foundation Diploma available from 9 May 2013. If you want a rewarding career in finance and accountancy and have no previous qualifications, then the Foundation Diploma is a great place to start. Once you’ve completed it, you’ll be automatically transferred to the ACCA Qualification and given exemptions from the first three exams.
Fee Structure
Computer Based Examinations (CBE)
The HND is the second year of a 2-year course in Business focussing on the managerial skills needed to succeed within the business sector. The HND can prepare you for a career (or further studies) in a number of specialist areas, for example, Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Financial Services.
Guides & Booklets
Entry Requirements
Careers & Employability
Teaching and assessments
Student Testimonials
CIMA's focus is to qualify students, support members and employers, and protect the public interest. We represent the voice of over 80,000 students and 62,000 members in 155 countries.
Exemptions for Professional Qualifications
Important Dates
Practical Experience
Henley Management College MBA
Computer Based Examinations
Entry Routes
Fee Structure
Course Structure
The Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) designation is the only globally accepted certification for internal auditors and remains the standard by which individuals demonstrate their competency and professionalism in the internal auditing field. Candidates leave the program enriched with educational experience, information, and business tools that can be applied immediately in any organization or business environment.
Exam Syllabus
Fee Structure
CTL - Certificate in Taxation Laws
Program Details/Fee | CTL
Course Objectives | CTL
Course Facilitator | CTL
Course Structure | CTL
SBM’s YOURS is a platform to develop Soft and Technical skills of students along with providing quality Professional education. YOURS training program will bridge the expectation gap between employers and the candidates through development of soft and technical skills that will definitely wins the trust of human resource Departments of organizations.
SBM is a leading Business School and an institute of choice for discerning Professional and students for Professional Qualifications and technical trainings for last 15 years. We offer CMA, CA, ACCA, CIA, CIMA, HND, PGD, CISA and CFA programs.
List of Universities